Quality products

Reasonable prices

12 years in the industry


Banner stands

Do you need a display system right now that is easy to set up? Our banner stands are a great and attractive solution.

Banner stands are easy to transport and easy to set up and takedown. Banner stands do not require much space but are still great at attracting attention. On this page, you will find a range of banner stands, der varies in size, design and system. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or by mail.

Lightbox (single-sided)

Vario d100 banner stand display

Vario d100 banner stand (double sided)

Banner stand luxury (double sided)

Banner stand (luxury)

Banner stand (basic)

Banner stand

Expand QuickScreen 3

Expand MediaScreen XL

Expand MediaScreen 4

Expand MediaScreen 3

Expand MediaScreen 2 (double sided)

Expand MediaScreen 1

Expand M2

Expand LinkWall

Banner stands in all formats

You can find more information about each product by clicking on the product. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us by phone at +45 6165 3597 or by mail info@expression.nu. We want to make sure that you get exactly what you need to stand out and present your message. We can deliver banner stands in all formats.

Tailor-made banner stands

Expression designs tailored banner stands that fit your needs. We can help you design the stand and give you ideas and inspiration. Let us help you find your next banner stand.

Contact us for more information about banner stands

You are welcome to contact us and ask for a good price on our banner stands or a combination of other products on  +45 6165 3597 or by mail info@expression.nu.

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